Navi is taught to all Kevutzot. Each year we focus on a different Sefer and discuss not only the historical time line and the prophecies, but also the relevance of these prophecies to our lives today. Throughout the four years we do an in-depth study of the Early Prophets. In The Book of Joshua/יהושע, we cover the handing over of the leadership from Moshe to Yehoshua, the wars and victories of Yehoshua and the nation, the defeat at Ai and the prayer Aleinu, as well as the lessons for us today in both victory and defeat. We also learn of the special miracles done for the people and we see how the Bnei Yisrael becomes a nation and settles in the Promised Land.

In the book of Judges we give our students an outlet for their creativity when they are asked to present projects about the various Judges. Emphasis is placed on the changing spiritual levels of the nation and G-d’s response to those changes. We also look at that the generation merits a prophet based on their behavior.

In the Books of Samuel which we cover in great detail due to the tremendous messages involved, we discuss self-sacrifice, prayer, dedication to G-d and his nation, belief that G-d knows what is best and sees all, the idea of kingship among Bnei Yisrael, versus the idea of kingship among the nations, and especially the spiritual value system as seen through the Mesorah which is still our guiding light.

In Kings we focus on selected topics such as the dedication of the Bait Hamikdash, the Davidic dynasty, the splitting of the tribes, the loss of unity and the destructive force of idol worship which lends itself to discussing today’s forms of idol worship. We also discuss, of course, our future hope, the rebuilding of our land, our nation, our kingdom and our Mikdash.

The later prophets and the Megillot as well as some of the writings are taught in various areas of Judaic Studies. In the course given to the Kevutza, called the Weekly Haftorot/ Topics in Tanach, we study both the story of the prophets as well as the linkage of the Prophets to the Torah and today. In other Kvutzot, we cover Proverbs by focusing on specific topics our students struggle with such as friendship, speech, parenting, femininity, and the roles of a Jewish wife and mother. The Megillot are covered as each holiday approaches with a historical overview as well as a translation of relevant passages. In all Kevutzot before Yom Kippur, we discuss the Book of Jonah and its eternal message of repentance and return. Before Purim we discuss the message of Megillat Esther which is one of redemption, prayer, and faith. Before Shavuot we discuss Megillat Ruth with its message of values, behavior, charity, dignity, love and faith.