At Merkaz Bnos High School, we believe that people were created for the purpose of developing their unique talents and utilizing them to serve God through the betterment of one’s self and others. Each and every individual has the ability and obligation to fulfill that mandate and contribute meaningfully to society. We believe all people can shine and achieve excellence beyond their perceived capacity and limitation, provided that they have the will and the proper direction. It is the recognition of the individual and the impact that the individual can have on society that we want to impress upon our students.

Our mission is to ensure that our students maximize their potential regardless of their background and prior experience. Our school, its curriculum, and programs emphasize the development of the total individual as a unique person, academically, spiritually, and socially. We seek to help each student reach her maximum potential through our programs. It is the goal of the school and its stakeholders that our students excel in their studies, become confident, self-reliant, productive adults, and become exemplary contributing members of their particular Jewish community as well as American society as a whole.

We envision ourselves instilling in our students pride, self-esteem and belief in their innate potential. We strive to increase the students’ self esteem, confidence and moral awareness through example, curricula, and through the tenets of the Jewish faith taught in our school. We hope that this will enable them to attain the highest level of achievement in their future endeavors.

We see our students as being able to take their education, knowledge, and the moral values imbued in them by our school into their communities at large, for its betterment. We envision them perpetuating their positive learnings in all situations they encounter, benefitting present and future generations.