Twelfth grade students at Merkaz are assigned to a special class entitled Torat Habayit. This class undertakes an extensive study of the philosophical and practical role of women in Jewish law. Participants in this class are exposed to ethics issues which they will undoubtedly confront throughout their adult and professional lives.

The Torat Habayit class gives adolescent Jewish girls on the verge of womanhood a chance to explore many of the issues that modern-day feminists have raised with regard to the role of women in Judaism. Utilizing a topic-by-topic analysis, the instructor defines this role throughout the prism of Halacha and its relevance to contemporary society. Topics include women and the performance of the time-bound Mitzvot, divorce, Tzniut, and Taharat Hamishpacha. Guest speakers are invited to address the class on various issues and a tour of the Mikvah/ Ritualarium is an essential part of the class.