The Halacha curriculum provides students with intensive study of many areas of Jewish law which are prerequisites for the proper operation of a Jewish home and for one to properly conduct a Jewish life in both personal as well as professional areas.

Students are assigned to different levels according to their previous knowledge of each subject. All levels cover the same general material, but in different contexts, with each level stressing different topics. The wide-ranging topics encompass Berachot, Tefillah, Shabbat, Kashrut (Blessings, Prayer, the Sabbath. Kosher vs. Non-Kosher food), Holidays, and the laws concerning the command to honor one’s parents. Additional topics are also delved into, all with the purpose of exposing students to the Halachic process and simultaneously teaching them the laws necessary for a successful daily Jewish life.

When students are ready to progress in the mastery of Halachic research, they take on the examination of basic concepts and laws of Shabbat, along with the philosophical and theological background of the week’s holiest day. Key topics include the laws of cooking, the laws of Borer, the laws concerning usage of medicine and medical emergencies on Shabbat. Additional topics are selected for their appropriateness and relevance to our students.

The next level of Halacha study entails a comprehensive analysis of the laws of Kashrut. Combining the authentic modern response to present-day issues with traditional sources, the instructor traces the laws of Kashrut from their Biblical origins through both medieval and current literature. This section is designed to offer students both an overview of Halachic development and a thorough awareness of practical Kashrut matters. Moreover, pertinent Halachic issues are periodically introduced for classroom discussion.